Thursday, 24 July 2008

Two Years on...

It was two years ago today that Corwin had his first heart surgery.He has come so far.
Well done my little man! xxx
The slide show above starts from two years today.

abi x

Tuesday, 15 July 2008

At Last some nice weather so Corwin was able to use his walker in the garden! He loved kicking his Peppa Pig ball around , something he wouldn't be doing on his own without his walker. It was a lovely 'proud Mummy and Daddy' moment that I had to share!

abi x

Thursday, 10 July 2008

I have nothing much to report really. Corwin is doing well with his walking frame, although the novelty has worn off and so he is ignoring it and crawling lot. I don't want to force it on him so leave it round the house and gently encourage him to stand up to it himself.

He is taking to Rowan more and more. He will shake toys over him and give him his dummy. He does get a little jealous if visitors hold Rowan , or if I take photos of Rowan!

The photos are of Corwin and Rowan. They are looking more and more alike, but not ever so much. It is fun to dig out the photos of Corwin and compare.

The first of each two is Corwin. He is two months older than Rowan in the smiley photo , but it is the only open mouthed smile I can find of him!

abi x